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Fourier S/N Estimation
The Fourier S/N Estimation item in the DSP menu opens the Fourier Signal/Noise Analysis procedure:
Although this procedure is designed primarily for S/N estimates, it is a full Fourier analysis procedure with data tapers, different Fourier transform algorithms, variable zero padding, different plots, and critical limits for white and red noise. The data stream should be uniformly sampled (constant sample increment).
The Remove Trend will force the endpoints of the data processed from the Fourier algorithm to begin and end at 0 by subtracting a linear trend.
PeakLab offers a broad selection of data tapering windows to minimize spectral leakage. The adjust field is used to set the spectral width, and thus the dynamic range, of adjustable windows. This field will be disabled for fixed windows.
The spectrum is normalized so that its power equals the power of the input data, regardless of the data window used. In PeakLab, a windowed FFT spectrum will contain the same power as a non-windowed spectrum, and both will match the power in the input data.
AutoSignal offers the following FFT algorithms:
· Chirp-Z
The Best Exact N composite algorithm is the default. If the data size is a power of 2, the FFT Radix 2 algorithm is used. If not and the size is included in the prime-factor set, then the Prime Factor procedure is used. Otherwise, the Mixed Radix algorithm is used if the largest prime <= 509 and the Chirp-Z is used if the largest prime >= 521. This produces the fastest possible exact n FFT.
The initial Nmin value will be the data size. To zero pad, enter any value greater than the data size. You may also select from a power of 2 sequence in the drop down box. Note that the actual size of the FFT may be greater than this value if the FFT Radix 2 or Prime Factor algorithm is used.
Increasing the zero padding will increase the number of frequency channels, which for small size data sets can aid in more accurately determining the center frequencies of spectral peaks. This will not change the basic shape of the spectrum, however. If a given peak is defined by only three frequency bins when an exact 64 point FFT is made, a 1024 point FFT will basically fill in this same shape. It is a kind of interpolation since zero padding cannot sharpen the peaks. To achieve this sharpening with an FFT, a longer set at the same sampling rate would be required. For data that are rapidly changing, or when the time series is limited in size, a non-FFT procedure is usually required for good spectral resolution.
When a data tapering window is used, very little spectral leakage arises from the zero-padding.
The frequency domain information can be plotted in a variety of formats. In the following table, Re is the real component of the FFT at a given frequency, Im is the imaginary component, n is the data set size, dx is the sampling interval, and var is the variance of the data series.
· Real, abs(Re)
· Imaginary, abs(Im)
· Magnitude, sqrt(Re*Re+Im*Im)
· Phase, sine-based, Pi/2+atan(Im/Re)
· Mag/Phase, dual plot, magnitude in Y, phase in Y2
· Amplitude, 2.0*sqrt(Re*Re+Im*Im)/n
· Ampl/Phase, dual plot, amplitude in Y, phase in Y2
· dB, decibels, 10.0*log10(Re*Re+Im*Im)
· dB Norm, decibels, normalized to 0 for frequency channel with maximum power
· PSD SumSq, Power as Sum Squared Amplitude, 2.0*(Re*Re+Im*Im)/n
· PSD MeanSq, Power as Mean Squared Amplitude, 2.0*(Re*Re+Im*Im)/n/n
· PSD TimeInt, Power as Time-Integral Squared Amplitude, 2.0*dx*(Re*Re+Im*Im)/n
· Variance, Power normalized by variance, (Re*Re+Im*Im)/n/var
In an amplitude plot, you see the actual amplitude of sine components. In a normalized decibel plot, the highest peak is at 0dB, a peak at -3dB would have half the power, and a peak at -6dB would have half the amplitude. The PSD TISA (time-integral squared amplitude power) is the actual integral under the curve defined by the square of the raw data.
The spectral peaks are identified by a local maxima detection algorithm. Both the amplitude and the frequency locations of the detected peaks are based upon a cubic spline bin interpolation procedure.
The sig item sets the target number of peaks (signal components) to detect. Up to 50 peaks can be detected. Peaks are ranked by interpolated amplitude. Note that this target signal component count may not be realized as fewer peaks than this target may be detected. Note also that the frequency analysis and linear sinusoidal fits reported in the Numeric Summary use the component count and frequencies from this peak identification.
The wid item sets the bin width tolerance for defining a peak. A peak must exist across this number of FFT bins to be counted. The default is a single bin.
The Display Maxima option is used to step through the options for displaying spectral peak labels: frequencies, spectral magnitudes, both frequencies and spectral magnitudes, or none.
AR(1) Background
PeakLab offers peak-type critical limits to determine the statistical significance of the largest peak present in the spectrum. These limits are computed for all windows, including those with adjustable parameters. The default background used for this null hypothesis is white (Gaussian or normally distributed) noise, AR(1)=0.0. A lag-1 autoregressive spectrum can also be specified. An AR(1) coefficient greater than 0.0 can often model red noise (where the noise power decreases with increasing frequency).
The AI Expert option will set the AR(1) value to the lag-1 normalized autocorrelation. This should only be used as a preliminary estimate.
The Show Significance Levels option is in the graph's toolbar. This button is used to toggle the significance levels on and off.
The Numeric button opens the Signal Noise Analysis window.
Signal Noise Analysis
Algorithm: Best Exact N
Window: None
Size Size Time Time Time Fourier Fourier Data
Data FFT SNRdb Digits ppm SNRdb Digits ID
161 161 41.3216935 2.06608467 8588.46056 58.5532309 2.92766154 s219
161 161 51.6809324 2.58404662 2605.87379 61.3382564 3.06691282 s220
161 161 41.9321351 2.09660675 8005.58819 65.2179760 3.26089880 s222
161 161 43.7644836 2.18822418 6482.99698 62.7763699 3.13881849 s223
161 161 45.0613650 2.25306825 5583.82435 63.0190151 3.15095076 s224
161 161 45.4617571 2.27308786 5332.27015 64.6110313 3.23055156 s225
161 161 45.5542386 2.27771193 5275.79691 65.2302258 3.26151129 s226
161 161 47.2975383 2.36487691 4316.41394 63.2402817 3.16201409 s227
161 161 47.4876148 2.37438074 4222.98228 61.9017618 3.09508809 s228
161 161 41.6075109 2.08037555 8310.44834 63.7479261 3.18739630 s229
161 161 55.0072352 2.75036176 1776.79875 65.4612237 3.27306119 s230
161 161 52.1091906 2.60545953 2480.50707 64.0886330 3.20443165 s231
Avg 46.5238079 2.32619040 5248.49678 63.2654943 3.16327472 All Data
The PeakLab S/N Analysis consists of both a time domain method which estimates the amount of white noise in the data, and a Fourier analysis procedure which measures the noise floor in the data.
The time domain procedure estimates the level of white (Gaussian random) noise in the data. For each point, a time-domain interpolation is made using adjacent points on each side of that data point, and the difference between that interpolation and the data is treated as the noise predictor at that data value. The average of those absolute differences is input in a predictive model that was built using a large Monte Carlo simulation consisting of different sizes of data and different levels of known white noise.
In this procedure the Time ppm is this computed white noise value based on the average absolute errors in the procedure. In the first sample in the above table you can read the S/N estimate as there existing 8588 ppm or 0.86% white noise in the signal. If that level of noise is converted to significant digits, -log10(0.008588), we have the Time Digits value of 2.066 significant digits. If those digits are converted to dB, we have -20*log10(0.008588), the Time SNRdb of 41.32 dB.
The Fourier procedure measure the noise floor in the Fourier domain. At the highest frequencies, it is assumed the signal consists almost exclusively of noise, a fair assumption for chromatographic and spectroscopic data. In the first sample above, the noise floor occurs at the Fourier SNRdb of 58.55 db in the upper frequencies of this data. This corresponds with 2.927 digits precision, the Fourier Digits in the above table.
The time domain estimate doesn't specify that the noise is white, independent of signal and essentially constant at all frequencies in the Fourier domain. It only means, for this first sample, that 0.86% white noise corresponds with the overall measure of noise in the data. The noise may well be red, higher at lower frequencies where the most of a chromatographic or spectroscopic signal exists and lower at the upper frequencies where no signal exists.
For example, if you look at the critical limit lines for an AR-1 (autoregression order 1) red noise of 0.6, you see a pattern in the critical limits that looks a lot like the pattern in the Fourier spectrum of data from about 0.1 upwards where the noise is apparent. A critical limit is where a spike in the signal appears strictly from random noise. In this example, a 99.9% critical limit, the red line above, means that in 1000 samples of 0.6 AR-1 red noise data sets of this specific size, 1 had its largest Fourier spike at or above this line, and 999 were below.
For this same data, the first image at the beginning of this topic shows the 50, 90, 95, 99, 99.9 critical limit lines for white noise. Note that there is an equal probability at every frequency of having a given level exceeded by random chance. Also note that the uppermost frequencies have lower Fourier thresholds. This should give you some sense for why the estimation of noise can be less than straightforward when this independence between signal and noise is absent.
An overall estimate of white noise in the time domain and the noise floor in the Fourier domain are two different ways to view the noise in spectral data. They should only agree if the white noise (uncorrelated, frequency independent) noise assumption holds.
The Compare button will open a Fourier plot where multiple data sets can be easily compared with one another.
You can select the Use Mouse or Use Legend items to highlight either a curve or legend item to identify the different spectra.
The dialog will display the averages of multiple data sets as shown in the Numeric option.
Copy An Individual FFT to Clipboard
You can right click any of the Fourier plots and select Copy this FFT to Clipboard to place the a Fourier table on the clipboard.
Save An Individual FFT to Disk
You can right click any of the Fourier plots and select Save this FFT to File to write the Fourier table to disk.
View an Individual FFT
You can right click any of the Fourier plots and select View this FFT in a Numeric Table to open a window containing the Fourier table to disk.
Chnl Frequency Magnitude Amplitude Wavelength Phase dB Norm PSD TISA
0 0.0000000000 30233.900261 187.78820038 0.0000000000 1.5707963268 0.0000000000 5677569.7204
1 0.0062111801 8071.8225520 100.27108760 161.00000000 4.2741443871 -11.47045140 809370.42622
2 0.0124223602 2956.8014353 36.730452612 80.500000000 5.6054297607 -20.19344031 108604.65500
3 0.0186335404 875.37300637 10.874198837 53.666666667 5.7429105065 -30.76602052 9518.9801278
4 0.0248447205 589.17337853 7.3189239569 40.250000000 6.0473059769 -34.20502122 4312.1151549
5 0.0310559006 391.23181422 4.8600225369 32.200000000 0.1400609986 -37.76120025 1901.3954343
6 0.0372670807 219.23615971 2.7234305555 26.833333333 6.0959520813 -42.79163980 597.07445623
7 0.0434782609 255.43358705 3.1730880378 23.000000000 6.1172136056 -41.46432348 810.51325951
8 0.0496894410 207.38381953 2.5761965159 20.125000000 6.2712379888 -43.27438614 534.26147332
9 0.0559006211 189.73983355 2.3570165659 17.888888889 0.0449992849 -44.04671322 447.21993090
10 0.0621118012 178.43017108 2.2165238643 16.100000000 0.0763644023 -44.58051768 395.49473231
Sinusoidal Modeling
You can right click any of the Fourier plots and select Sinusoidal Modeling of this FFT's Peaks to see a linear multiple sinusoid fit for the peaks in the Fourier spectrum. This is mainly of value for modeling data channels which contain oscillatory components in the Fourier domain. It will not generally be of any value with peak-type data. The following data consists of 7 sinusoids (4 prominent and 3 minor) plus noise. In order to fit this data to seven sinusoids, the sig value must be set to 7:
Fourier Frequency Spectrum
Data: 7Cos1001
X: Frequency
Y: dB Norm
Data Source: C:\PeakLab\Config\CLIPBRD.PRN
Date: Oct 5, 2022
Algorithm: Best Exact N
Window: cs4 BHarris 4
Data Size: 1001
FFT Size: 1001 (7*11*13)
SSA Power: 2000.1851
MSA Power: 1.9981869
TISA Power: 0.20001851
Signal Count: 7
Interpolated Spectral Peaks
Frequency dB Norm
1005.2100405 0.1894634337
1505.2708156 -39.88661372
2005.3347201 0.3216786483
2505.7508840 -49.70352675
3005.3422157 0.1489492234
3505.6778225 -59.32619748
4005.2042014 0.0696866871
Frequency Analysis
Frequency Amplitude Phase Power % Rel %
1005.2100405 0.9872804354 1.2744816397 0.0487848690 24.711366704 97.718227673
1505.2708156 0.0099391605 1.1947412433 4.944285e-06 0.0025044658 0.0099036190
2005.3347201 0.9908999333 1.1542377462 0.0491432280 24.892888975 98.436036397
2505.7508840 0.0032527060 1.0766978791 5.295338e-07 0.0002682287 0.0010606794
3005.3422157 0.9951038027 1.1783240928 0.0495610905 25.104551990 99.273033189
3505.6778225 0.0010776440 1.1488934521 5.812389e-08 2.944193e-05 0.0001164247
4005.2042014 0.9987406811 1.3147948684 0.0499240216 25.288390194 100.00000000
0.1974187410 100.00000000
Sine Component Fit (Suboptimal)
Frequency Amplitude Phase Power % Rel %
1005.2100405 0.9907648074 1.5051935769 0.0490909709 24.994640094 99.719623852
1505.2708156 0.0016254778 1.9196484092 1.321242e-07 6.727096e-05 0.0002683869
2005.3347201 0.9900905630 1.4665705491 0.0490220871 24.959567932 99.579698540
2505.7508840 0.0048723790 4.0752508628 1.187242e-06 0.0006044836 0.0024116721
3005.3422157 0.9905060370 1.4642413224 0.0490606534 24.979203924 99.658039087
3505.6778225 0.0062674530 4.2288279926 1.964364e-06 0.0010001549 0.0039902582
4005.2042014 0.9922347950 1.5071058985 0.0492289973 25.064916140 100.00000000
0.1964059925 100.00000000
r2 DOF r2 Std Err F-stat
0.9895620642 0.9893381657 0.1459578896 4645.4147860
Data Power Model Power Error Power Ratio
0.2000168605 0.1979307490 0.0020877631 94.805174507
Sine Component 1
Parm Value Std Error t-value 95% Confidence Limits P>|t|
Ampl 0.9907648074 0.0065210659 151.93295458 0.9779679485 1.0035616663 0.00000
Fare 1005.2100405 0.0363350403 27665.031675 1005.1387370 1005.2813439 0.00000
Phase 1.5051935769 0.0131801147 114.20185747 1.4793290831 1.5310580706 0.00000
Sine Component 2
Parm Value Std Error t-value 95% Confidence Limits P>|t|
Ampl 0.0016254778 0.0065225857 0.2492075786 -0.011174364 0.0144253192 0.80325
Fare 1505.2708156 22.133679366 68.008160357 1461.8359574 1548.7056738 0.00000
Phase 1.9196484092 8.0270229665 0.2391482393 -13.83248202 17.671778834 0.81104
Sine Component 3
Parm Value Std Error t-value 95% Confidence Limits P>|t|
Ampl 0.9900905630 0.0065216114 151.81686024 0.9772926336 1.0028884924 0.00000
Freq 2005.3347201 0.0363568006 55157.073415 2005.2633739 2005.4060662 0.00000
Phase 1.4665705491 0.0131881844 111.20336966 1.4406902193 1.4924508788 0.00000
Sine Component 4
Parm Value Std Error t-value 95% Confidence Limits P>|t|
Ampl 0.0048723790 0.0065229871 0.7469551836 -0.007928250 0.0176730080 0.45527
Freq 2505.7508840 7.3831289762 339.38874590 2491.2623232 2520.2394449 0.00000
Phase 4.0752508628 2.6778180686 1.5218550172 -1.179666140 9.3301678659 0.12837
Sine Component 5
Parm Value Std Error t-value 95% Confidence Limits P>|t|
Ampl 0.9905060370 0.0065221492 151.86804322 0.9777070522 1.0033050218 0.00000
Freq 3005.3422157 0.0363339738 82714.382831 3005.2709143 3005.4135170 0.00000
Phase 1.4642413224 0.0131803789 111.09250610 1.4383763101 1.4901063346 0.00000
Sine Component 6
Parm Value Std Error t-value 95% Confidence Limits P>|t|
Ampl 0.0062674530 0.0065234375 0.9607592606 -0.006534060 0.0190689661 0.33691
Freq 3505.6778225 5.7387550343 610.87776034 3494.4161607 3516.9394843 0.00000
Phase 4.2288279926 2.0811058025 2.0320100918 0.1448917482 8.3127642371 0.04242
Sine Component 7
Parm Value Std Error t-value 95% Confidence Limits P>|t|
Ampl 0.9922347950 0.0065224128 152.12695333 0.9794352929 1.0050342972 0.00000
Freq 4005.2042014 0.0362615354 110453.24347 4005.1330422 4005.2753606 0.00000
Phase 1.5071058985 0.0131546773 114.56806326 1.4812913228 1.5329204743 0.00000
Estimating Spectroscopic Resolution in the Fourier Domain
You can also use this Fourier S/N Estimation procedure with the D2 (2nd derivative) Savitzky-Golay spectra of data to get an approximation of spectral resolution.
The third title of the graphs will display the average values from the first sig count of peaks in the spectra by x value. For this specific analysis, the value of sig specifies the count of peaks starting with the first in the x-sequence. In all other instances, sig is the count of the most prominent magnitude peaks for the purpose of labeling the peaks, and for performing a sinusoidal fit.