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PeakLab Editor
The PeakLab Editor is a spreadsheet-like procedure for the input or editing of the program's data table. Use this option if you wish the convenience of spreadsheet entry or if you need custom X-Y data table entry features such as automatic X entry, application of a transform to the entered values.
Editing or Input
Simply place the cursor in the numeric field of interest and enter or modify the entry. You may enter any numeric value, expression, or equation up to 80 characters in length. A numeric entry can be concluded by pressing Enter, by clicking in any other field, by clicking on the Next button, or by clicking on any of the arrow controls.
Moving Between Data Fields
To move about the data table, you may use the arrow controls in conjunction with the table's scroll bar. You may also use the standard keyboard cursor keys.
Active and Inactive Data Points
An active data point is included in the peak-fitting. An inactive data point is excluded from the fit. The Ex column of the PeakLab editor contains checkboxes for excluding individual points. A point is inactive or excluded when the box is checked. You may also graphically toggle points between active and inactive using the Sectioning function.
Copy, Cut, Paste
Use these buttons to Copy, Cut, or Paste a single numeric entry. You will use this most often to copy a numeric value that is repeated rather than having to re-enter the value. This option cannot be used to paste multiple values into the data table.
Inserting and Deleting Rows
A data row can be deleted by pressing the Delete button or by pressing Ctl-Y. You must be certain the cursor is in the row you actually want to delete. To insert a row, place the cursor in the row that will follow the inserted entry. Click on the Insert button or press the Insert key or Ctl-N. You must provide both an X and a Y value before you can move to any other data row. The program's data data is automatically sorted by ascending X upon exit from the editor, and as such, you may simply wish to input inserted data at the end of the table.
Use these options if you wish to have the editor automatically input a given value. This is useful for constant increment X or Y values. You may have either X or Y autoentry on at any given time. This option will determine the value to enter based upon the two previous values. The position in the editor is automatically advanced. The W autoentry for the Weights is not based upon previous values, but rather upon the default value of 1.0 as the weight for each data point. You will wish to leave W autoentry on unless you will be specifically entering weights for the individual data points.
Entering a Transform
A Transform can be entered inside the editor. The calculation is applied to each numeric value at the time it is entered. It is best to restrict X and Y calculations used in the editor to functions of the respective variable being entered. In other words, an X calculation should only use X and not Y or W, such as X=X*2.54. A Y calculation should only use Y and not X or W, such as Y=Y/2*PI. A weight calculation can and probably will use Y or X, such as W=1/LN(Y).
Applying the Transform to Existing Data
After entering a transform in the editor, you must accept the transform graphically in order to have it applied to all existing entries in the data table.
Toggling a Transform
If the Apply New item is checked, the transform is applied to all new data as it is entered at the bottom of the data table.
Viewing the Data Being Entered
The Graph button is used to open a separate window which displays the data as it is entered in the editor. The graph is automatically rescaled as new data is entered or when old data is deleted. Use this option to insure your data is being entered properly.
Saving the Data Table
The Save option saves the data table to an ASCII file. This option preserves the actual ordering of the data points.
Clearing the Data Table
The Clear All button is used to clear the data table of all entries.
Basic Titles
Use the Titles button to reassign the main, X, and Y titles for the data table.
Sorting the Data Table
The data table can be sorted by ascending X, descending X, ascending Y, or descending Y. You must save the sorted table inside the editor in order to preserve this ordering. The data table is automatically sorted by ascending X values in the prescan which occurs when exiting the editor. All data tables saved from the program's main menu will have this ascending X ordering.
Reversing X and Y Values
Use the Reverse X,Y button if you need to reverse the X and Y values in the data table.
Restoring Original Data
If you exit the editor with the Cancel button, you are asked if you wish to lose all changes made in the editor. If you answer Yes, the original data is fully restored, even if revisions were saved to file within the editor. If you respond with No, the changes are incorporated into the data table.