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AIA net CDF File Information

The AIA File Information for this Data Set... right click menu option in the main data window and in the Review will list the AIA source information if the data was originally imported in this format.

AIA Data Field Value

point_number      5115

detector_maximum_value      -1001.57

detector_minimum_value      -1331.74

actual_delay_time      0

actual_run_time_length      1514

actual_sampling_interval      0.1


company_method_id      -4f92c0de:159b7b68d22:-6ff0

company_method_name      TEA-Verdezyne      20JAN17

dataset_completeness      C1+C2

dataset_date_time_stamp      20170710100350--700



experiment_title      TEA      Std      10000ppm

injection_date_time_stamp      20170627184925--700

netcdf_revision      2.2.10

operator_name      Dionex

aia_template_revision      1.0

separation_experiment_type      Ion Exchange Liquid Chromatograhpy

instrument_version      2.4

sample_id      TEA      Std      10000ppm

sample_name      TEA      Std      10000ppm

sample_type      standard

sample_injection_volume      0

sample_amount      0


detection_method_name      TEA-Verdezyne 20JAN17


detector_unit      µS/cm


retention_unit      seconds

peak_amount_unit      ppm

peak_processing_date_time_stamp      20170705122015--700

peak_processing_method_name      TEA-Verdezyne 20JAN17



Analytical      Results

Peak      Time      Amount      Area      Height      Width      Asym      Efficiency

1      673.482      10124.0      12428.47      295.2133      41.44271      2.40631      4221.938      


All      AIA-Origin      Data      Sets

Peak      Time      Amount       Area       Height       Width       Asym       Efficiency

1      673.482      10124.0      12428.47      295.2133      41.44271      2.40631       4221.938       TEA      Std      10000ppm

1      708.603      20258.83 24406.92      346.5802      79.86294      1.123313      1258.531       TEA      Std      20000ppm

1      742.922      30457.37 37571.34      381.6577      117.3984      0.8308398      640.1851      TEA      Std      30000ppm

1      778.742      40701.6      53212.77      412.3173      154.9861      0.7212484      403.5896      TEA      Std      40000ppm


This will furnish you the additional information stored in the AIA fields as well as the conventional integration results for comparison with fits. You must close this window in order to resume program operations.

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