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ZDD - Giddings
This is the Zero Distortion Density (ZDD) inferred in all GenNLC models. This generalized normal's a1 center parameter is the mean or centroid of the Giddings density. The a2 is a dimensionless time constant which represents the lumped contributions to all band broadening that can be described by first order kinetics.
Reverse Cumulative
a0 = Area
a1 = Center (as mean of underlying Gaussian)
a2 = Width (as time constant)
The Giddings ZDD uses the above approximations. Modified Bessel functions and modified Bessel function integrals are not used.
Built-In Peak Model
Gidx (Statistical family) Approximation
Giddings (Chromatography family) Full-Precision
User-Defined Peaks and View Functions
Gidx(x,area,mean,Gidwidth) Giddings (Approximation)
Giddings(x,area,center,width) Giddings (Full-Precision)
Gidx_C(x,area,mean,Gidwidth) Giddings (Approximation)
Gidx_CR(x,area,mean,Gidwidth) Giddings (Approximation)
reverse cumulative
To use the full precision Giddings cumulatives and reverse cumulative, you will need the Bessel function
TFn(u,v) Modified Bessel Integral for NLC, Giddings
CDF complement (u=a1/a2,v=x/a2)
This Giddings approximation is part of the unique content in the product covered by its copyright.