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Edit Menu
The Edit menu is as follows.
Editing Data Titles
The Titles... option in the Edit menu is used to edit the data set, data level, and experiment titles.
You can also use the Titles icon in the main program toolbar.
Each data level has its own data titles and its own level title. You must thus first select the data level of interest in the main window to make it the current one before selecting this titles option. Depending on the operation, titles may be inherited on subsequent data levels. You can go back and alter the titles on any level, but these are not propagated across the different levels that saw this inheritance. You will need to adjust the titles of each of the levels you wish to revise.
Note that PeakLab graphs have separate 2D custom titles and 3D custom titles options which may use some some portion of these data titles.
To change the titles for the individual data sets, for the data levels, or for the overall experiment you can use the right click Edit Data Titles... popup menu option.
Editing Data Values
There is no item in the Edit menu for editing the XY numeric data values. In general, you will not manually edit chromatographic data. If there is a need to do so, PeakLab furnishes a right click popup menu item in the main window. Note that only the uppermost data level can be manually edited.
To manually edit the numeric data in the uppermost data level for any one of the individual data sets, select that data's graph in the main window and use the right click Edit this Data Set... | PeakLab Editor... or Edit this Data Set | ASCII Editor... popup menu option. The first option uses the PeakLab specific data editor and the second the ASCII text editor. When these editors are used the revised data replaces the original. The original is not preserved.
Copying Data
You can copy the data in the main window to the clipboard using the Copy option in the Edit menu. You can copy only the principal data set, only the selected sets, or all data in the file. Only the current data level is copied. A tab delimited format is used.
Copy Principal Data Set
Copy Selected Data Sets
Copy All Data Sets
In order to copy a specific data set to the clipboard, in the main window, right click the graph for the data set of interest and choose Copy this Data Set... from the popup menu.
Reset Program Defaults
The Reset Defaults option in the Edit menu will reset the defaults for specific aspects of the program, or for everything.
Reset Defaults
Clear Recently Used File List
Clear Window Sizes and Positions
Clear Graph Customizations
Reset All Program Defaults
Tool Bar and Status Bar
Tool Bar
The Tool Bar option toggles the main window's Tool Bar on and off.
Status Bar
The Status Bar option toggles the main window's informational bar on and off.