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PeakLab Graph

All graphs within PeakLab use a common interface. Each graph contains its own tool bar and status bar. All graph options are accessed from the tool bar.

Generate/6001.gif Prints the current graph to an output device.

Generate/6002.gif Copies the current graph or its numeric information to the clipboard.

Generate/6003.gif Saves the current graph to file.

Generate/6004.gif Streams a graph and numeric summary to MS Word, or writes an RTF (rich text format) file.

Generate/6005.gif For multiple graphs, the Toggle Display of Selected Graphs toggles the display between all graphs and only selected graphs.

Generate/6006.gif For multiple graphs, the Select All Graphs marks each graph as selected.

Generate/6007.gif For multiple graphs, the Unselect All Graphs marks each graph as unselected.

Generate/6008.gif For multiple graphs, the Zoom-In Applies to All Graphs enables the zoom to apply to all graphs controlled by the toolbar. Both the x-range and y-range of the zoomed graph are transferred to all other graphs.

Generate/6009.gif For multiple graphs, the Zoom-In Applies to All Graphs, X-scaling only enables the zoom to apply to all graphs controlled by the toolbar, but only the x-range will be transferred to the other graphs.

Generate/6010.jpg For graphs with a 2D contour available, the Display as 2D Contour selects this format.

Generate/6011.jpg For graphs with a 3D gradient surface available, the Display as 3D Gradient Surface selects this 3D format.

Generate/6012.jpg For graphs with a 3D shaded surface available, the Display as 3D Shaded Surface selects this 3D format.

Generate/6013.gif For graphs with a 2D plot available alongside 3D options, the Display as a Single 2D Plot selects this standard 2D graph format.

Generate/6015.gif The Manual Sectioning Mode activates the mode where points are enabled by sliding left and disabled by sliding right when the left mouse button is held down.

Generate/6016.gif The X-Range Sectioning Mode activates the mode where points are enabled within a rectangular XY zone framed by the mouse. Only the X-values of the rectangle are used in the sectioning.

Generate/6017.gif The Zoom-In Mode actives the mode where the mouse is used for zooming-in a rectangular XY zone framed by the mouse. This button does not appear when zoom-in is the only available mode.

Generate/6018.gif The Change Position Mode button activates the mode where data sets can be graphically rearranged in the order or sequence you wish.

Generate/6019.gif The Show Graph Hints manages the XY hints in graphs. For multiple graphs, the first click on this button activates the hints on the current graph. A second click will synch the hints across all graphs at the specific x value at the cursor. One more click will turn off hints.

Generate/6020.gif The Show Status Bar toggles the status bar on and off.

Generate/6022.gif Sets the floating size graph layout.

Generate/6023.gif Sets maximized size graph layout.

Generate/6024.gif Splits Y and Y2 plots.

Generate/6025.gif Inverts Y and Y2 plots.

Generate/6026.gif Hides Y2 plot.

Generate/6027.gif Hides Y plot.

Generate/6031.gif Opens the 2D Graph Scaling or 3D Graph Scaling dialog.

Generate/6032.gif The Reset Default Scaling restores 2D or 3D default scaling

Generate/6033.gif The Common Scaling for Y and Y2 plots sets a common Y,Y2 autoscaling in 2D plots.

Generate/6034.gif The Logarithmic X Axis sets a 2D or 3D Log-X axis

Generate/6035.gif The Logarithmic Y Axis sets a 2D or 3D Log-Y axis

Generate/6036.gif The Logarithmic Z or Y2 Axis sets a 2D Log-Y2 or Log-Z axis or a 3D Log-Z axis.

Generate/6040.gif The Include Inactive Data in Scaling adds the points marked as inactive to the autoscaling.

Generate/6051.gif Sets the 2D View (layout, Y&Y2, states of titles, labels, grids, math errors) or 3D View (size, view angles, mesh, illumination angles, backplanes, perspective, labels, grids, patch plots)

Generate/6052.gif Sets the 2D Point or 3D Point formats.

Generate/6053.gif Sets 2D Custom Titles and 3D Custom Titles. These options also control title and label font sizes.

Generate/6054.gif Font selection for current graph. Graphs are limited to a single font.

Generate/6055.gif Select Color Scheme and Customize Colors.

Generate/6056.gif The Select Color Gradient for Surface or Contour sets the 3D surface color gradient or 2D contour color gradient.

Generate/6057.gif The Overlay Data on Surface or Contour toggles the display of data on or off in 2D contour plots and 3D surface plots.

Generate/6058.gif The Toggle Legend for Surface or Contour displays or hides the gradient legend in 2D contour plots and 3D surface plots.

Generate/6059.gif The Animation settings are set using Modify 3D Animation Settings.

Generate/6060.gif The Start/Stop 3D Animation begins and ends the animation (rotation) of 3D surfaces.

Generate/6061.gif Peak Labels are set using Select Function Labels

Generate/6064.gif Toggles peak anchors on and off. Peak anchors are used for on-screen graphical adjustment of peaks in the AutoFit Peaks options.

Generate/6065.gif Toggles amplitude thresholds on and off. These thresholds are used for accepting and rejecting peaks in the AutoFit Peaks options.

Generate/6067.gif The Show or Hide Legend Titles toggles on and off the data titles legend. One click will replace these to the left, another to the right, and one more will toggle these off.

Generate/6069.gif The Specify Surface Modeling sets the interpolant and smoothing in 3D surface rendering.

Generate/6070.gif The Render 3D Surfaces with Plateau at Upper Z Bound will open and close the upper Z plateau on 3D surfaces.

Generate/6071.gif The Shift Patches to Align Maxima will shift the gradient patches to align maxima. The data is not realigned.

Generate/6072.gif The Hide Rendering of Patch will toggle the display of the gradient patch in patch plots.

Generate/6075.gif Opens Confidence Intervals dialog.

Generate/6076.gif Toggles Confidence/Prediction Intervals on and off.

Generate/6082.gif Display actual residuals.

Generate/6083.gif Display residuals as % of Y.

Generate/6084.gif Display residuals as fraction of SE (standardized).

Generate/6085.gif Display residuals distribution (histogram).

Generate/60861.gif Display delta SNP (stabilized normal probability) plot.

Generate/6087.gif The Toggle Display of Reference Data enables or disables the reference data in the plot.


PeakLab v1 Documentation Data Summary Array Layout